Influencer Tips

Thank you for your support of our authors and their books! It means a lot to both the authors and those of us at Bethany House that you’re willing to help us get this book in the hands of other readers.

Once you read the book...then what? Here are some suggestions that can help you get started in spreading the word.

While You’re Online
  • Write reviews on retailer websites. Amazon, CBD, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, BookBub, and other sites are where buyers go to find out if they should buy a novel. Be brief, be enthusiastic, and don’t give away the ending!
  • If you have a blog, post a longer review there. Consider adding something creative, like listing your favorite quotes or finding pictures of how you imagine the characters.
  • “Like” the author’s Facebook page and comment and share their book-related posts.
  • Follow the author on Instagram and Twitter and share their posts to your page.
  • Post a picture of the book on social media when it arrives or as you’re reading it and tag the author in your post.
  • If you’re on Pinterest, pin the book’s cover on a reading-related board. (To go above-and-beyond, create a graphic using free sites like Canva with a quote from the book to pin.)
  • Count down to release month on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (and putting pre-order links in your post never hurts either!). As long as you only post occasionally, you won't be spamming people. They’ll just want to know what about this book makes you so enthusiastic!
Recommending to Other Readers
  • Read the book in a public place, like at your child’s soccer practice, on the bus, or in a doctor’s office. If someone asks you what you’re reading, you have a chance to promote the book!
  • Once you're finished with the book, consider donating it to your church library.
  • Request the book from your local library if it doesn't already have it. If you can mention how much you enjoyed the book to a librarian or two, all the better! (Librarians are great about passing along word to others.)
  • Recommend the book to any book clubs that you or your friends are a part of.
  • Buy copies of the book for friends as birthday, Christmas, or just-because presents. (Tip: buy the book in an actual store. Talk to an employee about the book as you check out. Bookstore employees also give great recommendations to others!)
  • Talk about the book. A lot. This is the easiest and most helpful thing you can do. Recommending the book to others is how authors get new readers!